déc. 08
Back to the open web!
sept. 15
mars 03
The iPad will get better keyboard support and, possibly, a trackpad
févr. 28
Quick thoughts on Dropbox Paper
févr. 27
Suggestions for assessing our carbon footprint
janv. 09
Towards Lean Computing: Integrating Energy Consumption in Application Design
oct. 12
Peak AWS? Do we still need AWS?
oct. 04
Sign in with Apple feature is finally fully compliant with OpenID Connect
oct. 03
Microsoft Dual Screen Upcoming Devices
sept. 29
HTTP/3 is coming faster than I expected
sept. 15
On businesses we can trust
sept. 06
No, Apple PushKit is not mandatory for reliable encrypted messaging apps
sept. 02
Phone number as an authentication method is under attack
sept. 02
About Telsa Move Into Insurance Business